When It Comes to Pet Poison Prevention, We’ve Got You Covered

Dog with chocolate .

March 20-26 is National Animal Poison Prevention Week. As an opportunity to raise awareness of all the possibilities out there (in nearly every household, neighborhood, or situation), this is a crucial moment in time. Pets are exposed to all sorts of toxins and highly vulnerable to their far-reaching and widespread effects. Pet owners and veterinary professionals share the obligation to prevent terrible outcomes, and pet poison prevention week is the perfect time to focus on animal welfare and pet safety. 


Securing Your Home Against Pet Poisons

Pet poison prevention tips.

We love our pets and want them to be happy and healthy. We provide them with good food, fresh water, and any pet medications they might need. Their toy bins are overflowing. Their beds are clean, soft, and almost as comfortable as our human beds. We snuggle and cuddle with our pets as often as we can. We know their every cue that tells us what they want next from us. But how much do we know about dangerous poisons that pets could access in our homes?


Take Time to Smell the (Safe) Flowers: Prevent a Pet Poisoning This Spring

Prevent a Pet Poisoning This SpringSpring feels like the perfect time to throw caution to the wind and go a little hog wild, right? Sure, it’s exciting to have longer days and be able to use the extra time to plant and prune. But without a springtime primer on how to prevent a pet poisoning, seasonal safety can find itself on the backburner.


Rat Bait, Not Cat Bait:  Rodenticide Poisoning in Pets

Pet poisonings happen secondary to exposure to all sorts of things. It might be helping themselves to some chocolate, applying the wrong type of flea preventive to your cat, or drinking some sweet antifreeze from the driveway. However, one of the most common animal toxicities we see at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is rodenticide poisoning in pets. Learn what you need to know about keeping your animals safe from this tricky toxin.


Raising Awareness To Prevent Pet Poisoning

Leon_iStock_000016949111_LargeThe entire month March honors the importance of Pet Poison Awareness and, because of the topic’s importance, March 15 – 21 is Pet Poison Prevention Week. We treat many pets accidentally exposed to toxic household items or ingredients and strive to encourage preventive measures to protect the pets we all love. Below is a review that aims to help you prevent or manage a pet poisoning. Continue…

Wellness Care: Nurturing Your Pet’s Health at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital

pet wellness.

Every pet enjoys several distinct life stages. From puppy or kittenhood all the way to their golden senior years, there are numerous goals within each life stage that are instrumental toward achieving optimal health and wellness. It isn’t always easy, clear, or straightforward, but responsible pet ownership is a challenging endeavor with limitless rewards. And the best part? We’re here for your pet at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital every step of the way!


Following the Trends: Spending the Holidays With Your Pet

Woman holding dog.
Dog walk in the park on weekends

If you’re one of those jolly types that starts humming Christmas carols long before December, you’ve probably already envisioned how you want to spend the holidays with your pet. There’s so much more to do together than ever before, thanks in large part to the growing acceptance of pets in public places. This means loads of choices regarding how best to spend your time together this holiday season. If you need a little help narrowing down the list, we’ve got some ideas on how to joyfully (and safely) spend the holidays with your pet.


How to Avoid Losing Your Pet During Warmer Months

lost dog.

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors with your furry friend, but it’s also a time to be especially mindful of your pet’s safety. The warmer months can increase the likelihood of your pet getting lost or suffering from heat-related illnesses. 

How can you keep your pet safe during the summer months? This post will cover lost pet prevention, July 4th safety, and other summer tips to keep your pets safe.


Plan a Pet-Safe Super Bowl Party

Pet-safe Super Bowl party.

Super Bowl parties are typically full of loud noises, lots of people, and lots of tempting food. While fun for humans, they can be a stressful and hazardous environment for your pets. Even for pets who enjoy spending time around lots of people, too much excitement can be nerve-racking and cause anxiety. For pet owners looking to throw a party, the team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital has put together these pet safety Super Bowl party tips. 


Keeping Outdoor Cats Safe & Warm

Winter outdoor cat safety.

Whether they are stray or just indoor/outdoor cats, felines are pretty independent in most cases. When the temperatures start to drop in the winter, however, some of these outdoor cats might need a little help to stay warm and avoid issues like frostbite and hypothermia, both of which can be deadly. 
