Is it True? Debunking Common Dog Myths

dog mythsDogs can be quirky, that’s for sure. Just like cats, dogs have their own idiosyncrasies and behaviors that lend themselves to some pretty unusual myths. Over time, some of these ideas about dogs became facts. But are they really facts or just long-standing fictions that have readily been embraced?

Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here to separate fact from fiction by debunking common dog myths that can actually be detrimental to your pet.


Play Ball: All About Athletes And Animal Charities

athletes and animal charitiesProfessional athletes don’t always have the best reputations outside of their respective playing fields, especially when it comes to animals. This has started to change, however, as athletes in Texas and across the country use their considerable influence to positively impact the lives of needy animals. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite athletes and animal charities that are changing the world for the better.

Cowboy Softies

Cowboys starting guard Zack Martin and starting defensive tackle Tyrone Crawford are two of many athletes taking part in a nationwide effort to prevent animal cruelty called Show Your Soft Side. The ad campaign, founded in Baltimore, features photos of professional athletes and coaches posing with their pets alongside messages promoting kindness and compassion toward animals.


Pet Insurance: Weighing the Costs and Benefits

pet insuranceFor most of us, the idea of going without health insurance is unsettling, as we can expect to have situations in our lives that require medical attention. While these aren’t pleasant to consider, we know that health insurance helps cover unexpected medical costs and ongoing preventive care.

As our pets continue to experience increased longevity and a higher quality of life, pet insurance is becoming more and more appealing. Insurance not only allows pet owners to have more control over their pet’s medical needs, it also improves the annual care required to prevent diseases.


Does my Indoor Pet Need to be Vaccinated?

pet vaccinationsWhen it comes to veterinary care, the need for an indoor pet to be vaccinated is one of the more common questions (and assumptions) we encounter. While it’s true that animals who spend more time outside are at greater risk of exposure to certain diseases, this does not mean indoor pets are immune. Simply put, there’s always the risk of infection.


Rabbit Care Tips for the Happiest Bun-Bun in Town

In the world of cute, cuddly young pets, rabbits, bunnies, or “bunny-rabbits” are absolute contenders for your love and attention. Perhaps unconventional, they certainly rival puppies and kittens for their sweetness and irresistible charms.

Their adorable qualities aside, rabbits are relatively easy to care for once you have the know-how. Understanding your bun-bun’s unique personality can be rewarding, and with all the right rabbit care tools at your disposal, the possibilities for fun are endless.


All About Mange in Pets

You may know the term “mangy mutt”, but do you really know what mange is? There are many reasons for itchy skin, hair loss, and other dermatological problems in our animal friends. Learn all about mange in pets and how to know when this diagnosis is the culprit.

What Is Mange in Pets

Mange is a term for a broader skin condition caused by mites on the skin. There are several different types of mange, and each of these crawly critters can colonize the skin and cause problems.


On Call: Treating Pet Wounds at Home

We love our pets and consider them members of our family, and when they are injured it can throw us into a tailspin. Do we rush to the vet, or can we treat some wounds ourselves safely?

Treating pet wounds at home, provided the wound is minor, is something any pet owner can and should do. At Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital, we believe in empowering pet owners with the skills they need to safely take care of their pets’ minor bumps and bruises at home whenever possible.

Treating Pet Wounds

The main objective when it comes to treating pet wounds is to stop the bleeding and prevent infection. The sooner a wound is cleaned and treated, the less likelihood it will become infected and cause bigger problems for your pet.


Creating a Safe Space for Your Grieving Pet

Dog MemorialThe departure of someone special shakes us to our very core – and the same is true for pets. Like us, animals experience sorrow and grief after the death of a beloved human companion or pet sibling. Since they can’t talk about their emotions or consciously journey through their sadness, it’s difficult to know how to help them feel safe and comfortable. Knowing what a grieving pet is going through can undoubtedly support the process and can even facilitate recovery and healing.


Countdown to 2017: Our Top 10 Blogs of the Year

Playing with dogNo matter if you thought 2016 was the best or worst year ever, one things remains true… time marches on. And as we enter into 2017, many of us are reflecting on ways to be more present, make improvements to health and wellbeing, and have a generally more positive way of life in the new year.

As a pet owner, you may be considering how to encourage better health and more exercise for your fur companion. At Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital, we wholeheartedly support your efforts to better care for your beloved pet – and we want to do our very best to offer you the encouragement, support, and resources to do so.

One of the ways we do this is through our blog, and we are delighted to present our top 10 blogs of the year!


The Superb Snout: Understanding Canine Sense of Smell

Dog noseDogs have a lot going for them. They’re fun to be around, smart, amusing, and make great companions. However, perhaps their most distinguishing attribute is that wet, sometimes in-your-face feature: the nose. Not only is it terrific for waking you up each morning, that canine sense of smell has its own special powers as well.
