The Importance of Pet Immunizations

cat getting immunized.

We all want the best for our furry friends. As pet owners, we prioritize the health and well-being of our beloved companions. Just as humans benefit from vaccinations, so do our pets. Pet immunizations play a crucial role in safeguarding the health of dogs and cats, which prevents the spread of contagious diseases, and promotes long and healthy lives. Leon Valley Animal Hospital understands how important preventive care is, and if you are wondering about what shots your pet needs, we can help.


Pet Hydration is Key!

bulldog drinking water from a bowl.

If there is one thing we know in Texas, it is heat. Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital understands how important it is to monitor the temperature and hydration status of our furry friends. Pets, just like people, rely on adequate water intake and proper body temperature to maintain optimal health. Read on to learn about the best way to keep your pets hydrated. 


How to Avoid Losing Your Pet During Warmer Months

lost dog.

Summer is a great time to enjoy the outdoors with your furry friend, but it’s also a time to be especially mindful of your pet’s safety. The warmer months can increase the likelihood of your pet getting lost or suffering from heat-related illnesses. 

How can you keep your pet safe during the summer months? This post will cover lost pet prevention, July 4th safety, and other summer tips to keep your pets safe.


Heartworm Disease Prevention 101

heartworm disease diagram.

If there is one pet problem that every owner should be aware of, the team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital thinks heartworm disease should definitely be in the top five. This deadly disease is very preventable, which makes education all the more important. Do you know how to prevent heartworm disease? If not, keep reading to find out.


Summer Grooming

women grooming a dog.

Summer is a time for fun in the sun and spending quality time with your furry friends. But as the temperatures rise, so does the importance of pet grooming. 

Proper grooming can help your pet stay cool and comfortable during the summer months while also preventing skin problems and other health issues. In this blog post, the Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital team discusses the importance of keeping your pet groomed during the summer and offers some tips to make it a bit easier.


The Importance of Wellness Checks

cute dog getting a checkup.
Beautiful border collie dog sitting at the veterinary table with a young woman and a vet for a medical examination

As a loving pet parent, you shower your pet with affection, indulge him with new toys, and treat him to his favorite foods. All of those things are important for his overall wellbeing, but the key to a lifetime of optimal health is to maintain routine pet wellness care appointments. 

At Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital, we’re here to help you keep your pets happy and healthy throughout every life stage. Read on for information you need to know about wellness care for pets.


Pet Safety Tips for a Texas Summer

Girl outside at a park with her dog.

If there’s one thing that Texans know, it’s how to survive the heat. Learn how to prepare your pet for hot days, too, with Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital’s favorite tips for summer pet safety. 

Summer Pet Safety Considerations

When enjoying time with your pet this summer, it is a good idea to be aware of potential pitfalls that can ruin your good time. Take notice of:

  • Table scraps at outing and barbeques
  • Motor vehicles
  • Unattended swimming spots that can be drowning hazards or harbor algae
  • Dirty water that can irritate the skin or cause gastrointestinal problems
  • Parasites like fleas and heartworms
  • Sunburn
  • Damage to paws from hot pavement, sand, etc.
  • Overheating

How to Prepare Your Pet for Hot Days

Pets can become acclimated to the heat. Allowing them to have short, supervised stints outdoors can help them to gradually tolerate longer outings.

If you are wondering how long your pet can stay out in the sun, the answer can vary quite a bite among individuals. Pets that are overweight, very old, very young, have a short nose, or have health problems are at greatest risk of heat exhaustion. Choosing to center your activities around the cooler parts of the day is helpful. 

Avoid shaving your double-coated pet. Fur provides protection from the sun, and, believe it or not, actually insulates against the heat.

Any time you head outdoors with your pet, be sure that they have access to shade or shelter and a supply of cool, fresh water. Never leave your pet outdoors unattended for any length of time and remember that even a minute alone in a vehicle is too long.

Heat exhaustion, or heat stroke, is a very real danger for pets in the summer months. It can have devastating consequences.

It is important to recognize early signs that your pet may be overheating. As body temperature rises, animals often:

  • Become restless 
  • Pant
  • Have increased heart and respiratory rates 
  • Drool
  • Experience vomiting or diarrhea

If you notice these things, it is definitely time to get your pet out of the heat. Unchecked, these symptoms can progress to weakness, incoordination, gasping for air, seizures, coma, and even death.

It is important to contact us immediately if you are concerned that your pet may be overheated. Cool towels may be placed under the belly and on the paws to help bring the body’s temperature down, but the animal must be treated by a professional as soon as possible.

Keep yourself and your pets cool this summer and avoid an emergency situation. A little planning can help to avert a major crisis.


When It Comes to Pet Poison Prevention, We’ve Got You Covered

Dog with chocolate .

March 20-26 is National Animal Poison Prevention Week. As an opportunity to raise awareness of all the possibilities out there (in nearly every household, neighborhood, or situation), this is a crucial moment in time. Pets are exposed to all sorts of toxins and highly vulnerable to their far-reaching and widespread effects. Pet owners and veterinary professionals share the obligation to prevent terrible outcomes, and pet poison prevention week is the perfect time to focus on animal welfare and pet safety. 


The Link Between Pet Dental Care and Lifelong Health

Dog holding a toothbrush in its mouth.

There are so many things we maintain in modern life. From our bicycles to our gutters, healthy hobbies to pruning, there’s no shortage to basic upkeep. In fact, it’s likely that a solid portion of your week is dedicated to simple maintenance of your home, checkbook, waistline, and sanity. The good news is that it pays off to stay in front of negative developments. 
