How to Tell if You’re Ready for a Cat

Knowing if you're ready for a cat is part of responsible cat ownershipHave you been thinking about adopting a cat, but you’re not sure if you’re ready to take the plunge? There are plenty of things to consider, and Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital has a few ideas to get you started.

Are You Ready for a Cat?

Cats are wonderful, unique, and mysterious at times, but one thing’s for sure – once you adopt a cat, you’re in it for the long haul. Cats can live for a long time, so it’s great that you’re giving the idea serious thought. Here are some important prerequisites when it comes to owning a cat. Continue…

Test Your Cat Nutrition IQ

As a group, domestic felines are interesting, sharp, and physically stunning, but they’re also typecast as a pet that’s easy to care for. Felines may be perceived as less demanding of attention or even affection, although scores of individual cats do, in fact, demand (and deserve) both. This is to say that cats are sort of, well, misunderstood. Perhaps the worst gap in knowledge is around cat nutrition.


To, Fro, or No Go? Convince Your Feline that Cat Wellness Exams are Worth the Trip

Cute little tabby kitten sitting in a travel crateA majority of cat owners forgo their feline’s annual or twice yearly examination for many reasons, but perhaps the most popular is a perception of a completely healthy cat. Sometimes this is accurate, but accepting an animal’s wellness on the surface level can be extremely detrimental. This, coupled with a feline’s general loathing of travel, can make staying home look awfully attractive.

What if we told you there are reliable tricks to help your cat accept the carrier, car, and time away from home? Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital has you covered. Continue…