The Bonds We Share: Adopting a Pet with Your Significant Other

As a couple grows closer and makes plans for the future, the idea of expanding their love to include caring for a pet is often a natural choice. This is especially true for pet lovers. Adding a pawed friend to the mix is a common theme when two people commit to greater responsibility and the sharing of interests. If you and your sweetie are looking to add a new pet to your little family, that’s an exciting step! 

If you are about to embark on adopting a pet with your significant other, there are some things to consider before you take the plunge into mutual pet ownership. Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital wants to help you make an informed decision to create the best possible home life for your wonderful new pet.


More to Love: A Healthy Number of Pets and How Many is Too Many

Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital loves our animals just as much as the next person. Pets are a huge part of what we do, and we can understand the impulse to allow your furry family to grow unbounded. 

Although the right number of pets can vary from person to person, there are some limits on how many animals you should bring into your home. How many is too many? Is there really such a thing?

The Right Number of Pets

If you own a pet, you are not alone. Current estimates show that about 84.6 million households in the United States include at least one pet. Over 60% of those homes house more than one. 


Is Your Senior Cat Lonely?

There are different reasons to consider adopting another cat, but if you already have an aging feline at home you’d be correct to take pause over the decision. It’s possible your senior cat is out of sorts if they’ve recently lost a friend or littermate, but introducing them to another pet won’t replace their buddy. What’s more, the situation could be fraught with territorial tension that could profoundly stress them out.

All this doesn’t mean your cat wouldn’t benefit from another pal. Instead, with a lot of love, patience and encouragement it could be the best choice of all.


What to Do Instead of Giving Up: Your Newly Adopted Pet

adopted petPet parenting is a serious commitment; it’s so easy to get swept up in the excitement of adopting a new pet. You’re there at the shelter, looking at this cute ball of fluffiness, and somehow it’s all roses and rainbows. But, what if you get your newly adopted pet home and the rainbows turn to clouds?

Before you hustle your new friend back to the shelter, it’s ok to stop and think about why you wanted in a pet in the first place. Take stock and give us a call! Your friends at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital have some ideas for what to do if you’re afraid you don’t like your newly adopted pet.


Why Fostering a Pet Could be the Best Thing You’ve Ever Done

Young, old, injured, ill, abused, and unsocialized animals are sometimes given a break from shelter life in the form of foster care. Foster programs give pets a chance to grow or learn so they can have the best chance for adoption into forever homes. While fostering a pet can be demanding and taxing, it’s often one of the most rewarding experiences an animal lover can ever have. Do you have what it takes?


Pet Adoption: Saving Lives One Animal at a Time

iStock_000024726165_MediumSo you’ve made the big decision to become a pet owner. For many of us, nothing is more rewarding than owning a pet and being a responsible participant in ensuring your faithful companion remains healthy and happy, except maybe taking that extra step to adopt your pooch or kitty from a shelter.

Shelter pets need loving homes, sometimes more so than those you see in the pet shop window or for sale by a breeder. As October is Adopt a Shelter Pet Month, there is no better time to acknowledge the importance of adoption, or bask in the enjoyment of giving an adoring and deserving animal a forever home and family.

Once you’ve made the decision to welcome a shelter pet into your life, you will need to make some choices on the type of dog or cat you will be bringing home. Continue…