Adopting a Cat in San Antonio? Where to Look and What to Prepare For

An adopted kitten with her new family in San Antonio.

If you’re looking for a furry new feline baby to take home, there are plenty of options for adoption in our beautiful city of San Antonio. We have some tips on getting prepared to bring your new family member home and a few possible locations where your cat could possibly be at this very moment!


Does Too Much Time on Your Cell Depress Your Pet?

We spend much of our time connected. Whether that connection is through an iPad, cell, or our busy life in front of computers, there’s no denying, we spend lots of time “plugged in”. But what happens to the rest of our lives, including our time with pets, when we are disengaged from them? 

The emotional lives of animals isn’t a new field of study. Our animals experience a wide range of emotions from joy to fear, grief to even depression.

Since we know from human studies that excessive smartphone use can cause depression, the question is can your cell depress your pet? The team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here to take a closer look.


Digging Dogs and What to Do About Them 

Anyone that has ever owned a dog, or even watched classic cartoons featuring dogs, knows that dogs dig. Some like to do it more than others, and while your pup may not make it all the way to China like his animated associates, it can be a pretty destructive behavior. 

Digging dogs can be quite the challenge for pet owners, especially those who want to keep a nice yard. While we don’t have all the answers, Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital does have some good ideas to keep digging dogs redirected.


Ask a Vet: Do Pets Watch TV?

It does seem like a pet behavior is to watch TV

As you settle in for a marathon Netflix session or just a quick recap of the nightly news, are you regularly accompanied by your four-legged companion? Is your dog quick to react to the sight or sounds of other dogs on TV? Does your cat race around your living room looking for the lions in that National Geographic special?

Many pet owners claim their pets watch TV, but is this true? Are dogs and cats capable of understanding what they see on the “boob tube” and, if so, how does this affect them?


Thunderstorms and Fireworks: What Can You Do About Pet Anxiety This Summer?

Pet anxiety is a reality.Many pet owners know exactly when it’s about to rain buckets in July, but it’s not because they saw the weather report. Instead, by watching their pet closely for any signs of of fear or stress, they can count down when the first bolt of lightning will fill the sky. Between summer storms or Fourth of July fireworks, pet anxiety is a real danger this time of year. However, with a bit of clever planning and preparation, animals don’t have to suffer.

Signs of a Problem

Every pet reacts differently to stress, but pet anxiety is typically characterized by hiding, trying to escape, damaging their surroundings, or even harming themselves. Noise aversion can develop into a full-blown phobia if left alone. Luckily, there are ways to support animals going through this. Continue…

To Err is Human…But Is Your Pet a Good Judge of Character?

AllPets_iStock_000032185210_MediumWe don’t always rely on our pets to judge others, but if your pet reacts strongly to a new person in your life, is it possible he or she is keyed into something to which you’re oblivious?

Like a barometer measures atmospheric pressure, your pet could potentially assess compatibility, determine your level of risk, and even weigh his or her own place in a potential love triangle. Is your pet a good judge of character? Let’s find out… Continue…