Why Should I Microchip My Pet?

A family playing with their puppy.

If you have known anyone who has lost a pet, you know the extreme heartbreak that ensues is incomparable to anything else. Because pets are naturally curious and want to explore their surroundings, it is important to ensure that they have a way to be found if they become lost. The quick solution is to apply a pet collar with an ID tag, however, these can easily break, fall off, or can be removed by others. 

Though it is hard to believe, approximately 10 million cats and dogs are lost or stolen each year. Microchips are a permanent ID solution that has helped countless families reunite with their fluffy loved ones. 

Our veterinary team would be happy to help explain more about the benefits of microchipping at your initial visit. In the meantime, here are some of the microchip basics.


Microchip Your Pet for Check the Chip day!

Two veterinarians check a dog for microchips.

August 15 is an important day for you and your furry family members. It’s National Check the Chip Day. On this day each year, we are reminded to check our pet’s microchips to make sure they are still functioning properly. It’s also a great day to remember to microchip your pets so they can be returned to you if they’re lost.
