Take Time to Smell the (Safe) Flowers: Prevent a Pet Poisoning This Spring

Prevent a Pet Poisoning This SpringSpring feels like the perfect time to throw caution to the wind and go a little hog wild, right? Sure, it’s exciting to have longer days and be able to use the extra time to plant and prune. But without a springtime primer on how to prevent a pet poisoning, seasonal safety can find itself on the backburner.


Rat Bait, Not Cat Bait:  Rodenticide Poisoning in Pets

Pet poisonings happen secondary to exposure to all sorts of things. It might be helping themselves to some chocolate, applying the wrong type of flea preventive to your cat, or drinking some sweet antifreeze from the driveway. However, one of the most common animal toxicities we see at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is rodenticide poisoning in pets. Learn what you need to know about keeping your animals safe from this tricky toxin.


A Toxic Mix: Cleaning Products and Pets

woman doing houseworkThere is something about the beginning of spring that signals a time for springing into action. Whether that takes the form of cleaning out the garage, emptying the attic, or tidying up the home, many of us choose spring as the time to give our homes a complete overhaul. But, cleaning products and pets can sometimes spell HAZARDS – some of which are not immediate, but can present health issues over time.

But, before you throw in the towel and kick up your feet, there are some solutions to keeping your home fresh and organized that are also pet safe. So, grab that mop and bucket and read on for more information on cleaning products to avoid and safer alternatives for pet loving households. Continue…

Raising Awareness To Prevent Pet Poisoning

Leon_iStock_000016949111_LargeThe entire month March honors the importance of Pet Poison Awareness and, because of the topic’s importance, March 15 – 21 is Pet Poison Prevention Week. We treat many pets accidentally exposed to toxic household items or ingredients and strive to encourage preventive measures to protect the pets we all love. Below is a review that aims to help you prevent or manage a pet poisoning. Continue…