A Case Of The Zoomies: What Are They And Why Do They Happen?

the zoomiesIf you’ve spent any time around a puppy, or bathed a dog of any age, you are probably familiar with the zoomies. It’s that crazy burst of energy that causes a dog to tear around the house or yard at top speed, sometimes…

If you’ve ever wondered why your dog gets the zoomies, you’ve come to the right place. The team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital has delved into the intricacies of this lovable (yet sometimes annoying) dog behavior!


Pets and the Holidays… A Perfect Match?

pets and the holidaysWhen it comes to pets and the holidays, we try to have all the bases covered. In fact, we’ve written a bit about it before. With that in mind, it’s clear the combination of pets and the holidays – especially with regard to safety – is powerful enough to warrant ongoing attention.

The holiday season provides an opportunity to reflect on what matters most. Certainly, holiday pet safety is a top priority, but if you were to spend an entire day with your pet, would it include favorite holiday movies and some scrumptious food? We thought so!


Traveling With Your Pet This Winter? What to Know About Cold Weather Care

traveling with your petSan Antonio isn’t the coldest place in North America during the winter, but our location allows for travel to chillier climates fairly quickly. Whatever your mode of transportation, traveling with your pet can be a fun alternative to the holiday humdrum of previous yuletides. As much fun as you’re bound to have, there are preparations that, once in place, assure your pet’s safety and happiness.


Is Holiday Cat Safety a Real Thing?

We are swiftly sliding toward year-end, a fact that many cat owners brace themselves for. Is Fluffy going to bring down the Christmas tree again this year? Burn their whiskers from getting too close to festive candles?

With our holiday cat safety measures firmly in place, you won’t have to worry quite as much. And Fluffy? Ringing in the new year in style, comfort, and top health.


Is it True? Debunking Common Dog Myths

dog mythsDogs can be quirky, that’s for sure. Just like cats, dogs have their own idiosyncrasies and behaviors that lend themselves to some pretty unusual myths. Over time, some of these ideas about dogs became facts. But are they really facts or just long-standing fictions that have readily been embraced?

Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here to separate fact from fiction by debunking common dog myths that can actually be detrimental to your pet.


A Friendly Reminder for a Pet-Friendly Thanksgiving

If you’ve followed our blog over the years (and, of course, we hope you have!), then you probably know all about pet toxins. You might even have a list of all the no-no’s that can cause pet poisoning. Still, most holidays that involve lots of food go hand-in-hand with increased calls to the Pet Poison Helpline and visits to veterinary emergency clinics.

Along with gratitude, there’s no doubt that Thanksgiving is all about the food and lots of it. Because many pet owners still don’t know about some of the foods that are dangerous to pets, it’s important to remind everyone about these risks. Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital has some great suggestions on how to create a pet-friendly Thanksgiving to keep your furry friend safe this season – and throughout the year!


A Salute to Our Canine Veterans

canine veteransVeterans Day is a time of remembrance, to pause and pay our respects to the courageous men and women who have served in the military. These incredible individuals have made significant sacrifices to ensure our rights, freedoms, and livelihood. Their dedication and sense of duty is felt and appreciated as we honor our veterans.

Also among these honorable individuals are our canine veterans! Canine veterans (or K9 veterans) are unsung heroes, often unknown to most people (although they’re starting to get the notice they deserve). At Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital, we want to salute these amazing dogs who also serve this country with dedication and bravery.


Choosing the Right Water and Food Bowls for Your Pet

Most of us would agree that good nutrition is important for every pet, but have you ever thought about your pet’s bowl? Likely not. After all, your ever-hungry lab is less than discriminating about where their food comes from. A paper plate? No problem! The trash can? You bet! Pets probably don’t consider much beyond the contents that they will readily eat.

Your choice in water and food bowls is actually important for a number of reasons, including health. To help you choose the best option for your pet, read on!


Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere?

dog follow meIf you own a dog, the old song “Me and My Shadow” probably comes to mind. Dogs are true companions who are always happy to be near us wherever we may be (unfortunately, even in the bathroom). While at first, this constant companionship may be endearing, in some cases, it may become problematic or indicate boredom in your pet.

If you find yourself asking “why does my dog follow me?” don’t worry – this is something we get asked a lot. To determine the reasons behind this quirky behavior, the team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital offers the following explanations.


Play Ball: All About Athletes And Animal Charities

athletes and animal charitiesProfessional athletes don’t always have the best reputations outside of their respective playing fields, especially when it comes to animals. This has started to change, however, as athletes in Texas and across the country use their considerable influence to positively impact the lives of needy animals. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite athletes and animal charities that are changing the world for the better.

Cowboy Softies

Cowboys starting guard Zack Martin and starting defensive tackle Tyrone Crawford are two of many athletes taking part in a nationwide effort to prevent animal cruelty called Show Your Soft Side. The ad campaign, founded in Baltimore, features photos of professional athletes and coaches posing with their pets alongside messages promoting kindness and compassion toward animals.
