Roaming Free: Teaching Your Dog to Safely Walk Off-Leash

iStock_000034854986_LargeFor owners who love to run, jog, hike, and enjoy outdoor activities, allowing their dog to walk off-leash makes good sense. These activities keep your energetic dog moving while also providing opportunities for sniffing, exploring, and running free.

However, off-leash roaming is a big responsibility for any dog owner. Training and practice must be provided to ensure the safety of the dog and other humans and animals. Continue…

Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital’s Top 10 Blogs of 2015

iStock_000046798998_Large.jpg2016 is right around the corner, perhaps better put, it’s just a paw away. Resolutions creep into the mind this time of year and many of those evaporate wistfully with guiltless abandon. We hope that some of those fantastic resolutions have their way to sticking around for success in the coming year.

Super exciting material with a multitude of useful knowledge, our blog is meant to help keep you and your pet healthy, happy, and wise. Continue…

Nice Duds: The Benefits of Pet Clothing

iStock_000051074990_LargeIf you’ve been to a specialty pet store, you’ve probably seen the aisles of adorable pet clothing. There’s so much variety in design, fabric, and color that you may start to wonder: should your pet wear clothes?

This is surely a modern conundrum, as animals have survived the elements long before we domesticated them and became best friends. However, with the right combination of comfort and utility (along with your pet’s acceptance), pet clothing can turn a windy afternoon walk into a full-fledged giddy-up and go. Continue…

City Pets: Considerations for Urban Pet Ownership

iStock_000034854986_MediumAlthough some of us live in the country with acres of land for a pet to roam, the reality is that most people live in urban or suburban areas. With an estimated 37-47 percent of all U.S. households owning a dog and 30-37 percent having a cat, we can assume that many pets are city pets.

For urban pet owners, dealing with traffic, dog park safety, and municipal laws is a large part of being a responsible owner. Understanding the misconceptions of city pet ownership will also ensure the health and safety of your pet. Continue…

Your Pet And The Holidays: Safety First, Contentment Second

iStock_000053053058_LargeIt’s almost contradictory that a season replete with joy, family time, and indulgences is also rife with dangers. While it can be exciting to get swept away in all the festivities, lights, and gingerbread house contests, it’s important to remain in tune with your four-legged friend to best protect him or her from illness or holiday-related calamity. Plus, your pet may be wondering when you plan to slow down a bit for a nice lasting cuddle or some other version of quality time, say, a long walk or laser chase.

In response, we’ve prepared the following guidelines for your pet and the holidays so you can close out this year in safety and peace. Continue…

Planning Ahead for Holiday Pet Stress

iStock_000046798998_Large.jpgThe holidays can be stressful for everyone, but it’s not the spending or constant fretting over gifts that bothers your pet. While he or she likely picks up and reflects your mood, your pet may also be stressed about other things entirely.

The constant stream of unfamiliar faces, voices, and scents can really upset your pet’s inner balance, and the abundance of bright, sparkly holiday decor can be overwhelming. However, with proper planning, holiday pet stress can easily be reduced and managed. Continue…

Pancreatitis in Pets

Leon_iStock_000020022269_Large.jpgIndulgences in some forbidden people food, antibiotics, and obesity are all possible causes of pancreatitis in pets. Pancreatitis is defined as an infection of the pancreas and can cause serious health repercussions.

The function of the pancreas in animals, is like that of the human organs, it produces enzymes and insulin. Pancreatitis in pets should be noticed as soon as possible, and treatment given, when any of the following symptoms are noticed. Continue…

Food For Thought on Food For Your Pet

Leon_iStock_000043186202_Large.jpgIn the food aisle, the virtual wall of brightly colored bags of kibble glares back, taunting, and teasing, obscuring your furry friend’s culinary content.

How do you interpret all of the data and marketing on these bags of food for your pet?

Good food will help your pet live the fullest life on the best terms of his or her carefree activity, quality of living, health, and wellness. Some things about food for your pet need to taken into consideration before making an informed decision. Continue…

Making the Move: Tips for Your Cat

Billings_Leon_iStock_000057478694_Large.jpgWhether it’s cross-town or cross-country, moving is a major undertaking. For your cat, moving may also be frightening or overwhelming. While new sights and smells are appealing, how can you best prepare your cat for such a big transition?

Moving Your Cat: Details, Details!

Moving inspires a sense of chaos that your cat may never have experienced before. Because it’s common for stressed, frightened, or irritated pets to go missing before or during a move, make sure your cat’s microchip is current and his or her ID tags are secure. Update your new contact information and ensure your phone number is easy to read. Continue…

Black Cat Myths and Black Pet Syndrome

iStock_000013625143_LargeWho do voodoo, that black cat crossing in front of you, do.

Our dark, non-photogenic furry friends get a bad rep, but do they deserve it? Where did it come from, and is there any truth to the myths about them?

Black cats have their own almagate of evil tales of dark art aid and bringing good luck to their owners in both iconic form and breed specific reality. Read on to learn more about black animals and their stereotypes, history, and odd anecdotes surrounding their dark furry coats. Continue…