Our Blog
Debunking Common Cat Myths
Throughout history, there have been numerous cat myths. These erroneous beliefs have unfortunately impacted the felines with whom we share our homes and communities.
From the fanciful idea of nine lives to the “bad luck” black cat, superstitious beliefs, as we have learned, can pose risks and have a detrimental effect on how we treat cats.
Even some of the more benign ideas, such as cats preferring to be left alone, can impact their emotional and physical wellbeing.
While some of the extreme myths of previous centuries are (thankfully) laughed at now, we still have some myth-busting work ahead of us. Continue…
Snuggle Pups and Sweet Kitties: Caring For A Young Pet
Adopting a kitten or puppy is an incredibly rewarding experience, but comes with considerable responsibility. Besides getting to know the unique personality of your new furry addition, and integrating him or her into your lifestyle, you’ll need to have all the facets of pet care covered. From nutrition to training, surgery to socialization, we’re here to help you get started. Continue…
Sizzling Sidewalks: Protecting Pet Paws from Burns and Injuries
How many times of you seen this scenario: it is 90+ degrees and someone is out walking the family dog on asphalt or concrete. Perhaps you have even made that mistake, thinking the breezy warm day wasn’t too hot, ignoring the ground temperature.
Unfortunately, hard surfaces can soar to scalding temperatures during the afternoon, which is why protecting pet paws from becoming burnt is a matter of awareness. Continue…
Helping Your Senior Pet Through the Summer Heat
Almost every pet – and older pets in particular – loves to find a sunny spot for a nap and well-deserved stretch. After spring rains, the urge for a senior pet to get outside for the welcomed warmth and low key exercise is understood, too. However, senior pets are often more at risk for heatstroke and heat-related stress.
Just as you might take a slower or modified approach to your daily exercise choices as you age, helping your older fur friend cope with the stress of the sizzling summer days requires forethought and a bit of adjustment. Continue…
Have A Pet Friendly 4th Of July
Your pet experiences his or her environment through the nose, eyes, and ears – and fireworks trigger all of these senses to the extreme. Even the most serene and relaxed among the four-legged set can become extremely agitated by fireworks and the chaos of the 4th. So what can we as pet owners do to keep our pets happy and safe during the 4th of July celebrations this year? Read on to learn more… Continue…
The Crate Is Great: The Benefits of Crate Training Your Cat
If your cat could talk, would he or she expound on the virtues of the travel carrier, or, when asked about it, would you simply see your cat’s tail cut through a cloud of dust kicked up by speedy, get-a-way paws? You cat may absolutely hate the crate, but with a healthy combination of time, patience, and gentle persuasion, he or she can learn to appreciate it and may even want to hang out there.
The Crate Debate
Crate training your cat may seem downright impossible, especially if you’ve ever had to force your feline into his or her travel kennel in order to make a trip in the car. Continue…
Keeping Your Pet Safe During and After Floods and Disasters
Record-breaking rainfall, rising lakes and rivers, and mass flooding over the past few weeks have been on everyone’s mind. Tragedies of lost lives, homes, and personal possessions have weighed on our hearts, whether personally affected or not. For many loving pet owners, fears were realized with missing or injured family member pets. For those unaffected, we may wonder how we can better protect pets during floods and disasters.
Emergency Preparedness for Floods and Disasters
As you may have learned in Scouts or through taking basic first aid, being prepared is your best line of defense in an emergency situation. Yet fewer than 20% of all households have a disaster plan or kit. Fewer still have plans that include the family pets. Continue…
Nip In The Bud: Gardening with Pet-safe Plants
Your azalea’s look absolutely splendiferous in your garden beds and your lilies are simply gorgeous this year, but did you know that both flowers are dangerous to your pet? Fortunately for your green thumb, there are loads of pet-safe plants to choose from, and we’d like to spread the news about the risks associated with the most common flora possibly growing in your own backyard.
A Green Oasis
Homeowners typically invest a good amount of time into garden projects and curb appeal. Plants like rhododendron, oleander, and foxglove are extremely pretty and popular, but super toxic for your pet. The good news? You can still create and maintain a lush garden – and a safe, non-toxic one, as well. Continue…
Come Home: The Benefits of Microchipping Your Pet
It’s late and your pet has managed to sneak out. It’s happened before, but he’s usually home by now. You call his or her name into the darkness and hope that any second you’ll hear the sound of sweet relief coming from the tags or bell dangling from his collar. When all you hear is silence, a specific dread may wash over you: your pet is out and about, maybe lost forever.
Microchipping your pet adds a certain type of security to this scenario, and can even lead to a sweet reunion. Join us as we describe the process, and list the benefits of microchipping your pet. Continue…
Dog-gone Fun: Ideas for Summertime Pet Activities
Have you been spending too much time on the couch? Has your energetic canine been looking longingly at that underused leash? Or, are you just looking for some creative ways to change up the weekend in a pet friendly way?
You’re not alone.
Summertime pet activities can sometimes be a challenge (dang ‘No dogs allowed’ signs!), so we took the time to come up with some cool ideas for those hot summer days. Continue…