Warm-Weather Pet Safety Quiz

Billings_iStock_000064735487_LargeTake this short quiz and you may be surprised by the results. Of the following situations, which could prove dangerous for your pets? (Assume drinking water is freely available at all times.)

  • Staying in the car for 20 minutes, in the shade, with the windows rolled half-way down
  • Playing Frisbee on the beach for half an hour
  • Running in the park for 25 minutes on a cloudy, but warm and humid, day
  • Sleeping in the backyard with no shade
  • Taking a long, leisurely walk through the city on a hot day


Addressing the Challenges of a Multi-Pet Home

Striped, gray cat and dog  sitting on the window

For pet lovers who are aware of the overwhelming number of stray and homeless pets in the country, it is understandable why we are often the ones whose homes are full of fur companions. Multiple pet households are common, in fact, as more than 50% of all cat and dog owners share their homes with more than one pet. With all of the love in the air, you’d think a multi-pet home would be an ideal situation, right? Continue…

Never Too Late To Learn: The Basics Of Pet First Aid

Leon_iStock_000005845426_LargeIn the middle of the night, you abruptly wake up to the sounds of your pet in painful agony. He or she might be sick, injured, or both, and you may react in a panic. You aren’t alone in wondering what to do next, but to avoid that cold sweat (and a terrible outcome for your pet), we suggest brushing up on the basics of pet first aid. Continue…

Baseline of Health, Wellness Care, and Pet Disease Prevention

Cat at veterinarianChances are when you go to see your physician, basic baseline information gathering, such as blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and weight, are a part of your physical examination. This information can act as a baseline or your normal state of health, which in turn can alert your doctor to any changes. This same idea is applied when it comes to pet disease prevention and overall wellness.

At home, many pet owners also make note of their pets’ daily health status. Pet owners are often the first to notice subtle changes in appetite, behavior, and general energy level. This body of information, collectively, helps to form a baseline of health for pets which, when communicated with your pet’s veterinarian, can be useful in diagnosis. Continue…

A Toxic Mix: Cleaning Products and Pets

woman doing houseworkThere is something about the beginning of spring that signals a time for springing into action. Whether that takes the form of cleaning out the garage, emptying the attic, or tidying up the home, many of us choose spring as the time to give our homes a complete overhaul. But, cleaning products and pets can sometimes spell HAZARDS – some of which are not immediate, but can present health issues over time.

But, before you throw in the towel and kick up your feet, there are some solutions to keeping your home fresh and organized that are also pet safe. So, grab that mop and bucket and read on for more information on cleaning products to avoid and safer alternatives for pet loving households. Continue…

New Tricks: How Dog Training Increases Health and Happiness

Leon_iStock_000027770732_LargeWe all have at least one “bad dog” story to share at parties or around the water cooler. True, the behaviors of some dogs may drive you absolutely bonkers. From incessant barking at the resident backyard squirrel, to gnawing open the cushions of a brand new leather sectional, have you reached the point of… bewildered frustration?

This critical mass may lead you to finally consider training your dog, and we applaud your decision. After all, dog training is a fantastic common denominator for the ultimate in dog health and happiness (not to mention preserving your sanity!). Continue…

Heartworm Disease and Cats: More Prevalent Than Commonly Thought

young cat hunting butterflyMany pet owners often associate heartworm disease with dogs since they are much more likely to be infected become infected than cats (1 cat for every 10 dogs infected). This is due to the fact that the physiological makeup of felines is more resistant to the invading parasites.

However, both cats and dogs are susceptible to the infection. And, in fact, an estimated 10-14% of tested shelter cats are affected. This alarming statistic has us questioning whether or not it is more prevalence than previously thought.

Because heartworm disease is deadly to cats, routine screening and a monthly heartworm preventive are strongly advised. Continue…

Raising Awareness To Prevent Pet Poisoning

Leon_iStock_000016949111_LargeThe entire month March honors the importance of Pet Poison Awareness and, because of the topic’s importance, March 15 – 21 is Pet Poison Prevention Week. We treat many pets accidentally exposed to toxic household items or ingredients and strive to encourage preventive measures to protect the pets we all love. Below is a review that aims to help you prevent or manage a pet poisoning. Continue…