Are You Prepared to Handle a Pet Emergency?

Dog with first-aid kit.

Although none of us want to consider a sudden illness or injury to befalling our pets, ignoring the possibility that they will get sick or hurt reduces your ability to handle a pet emergency. We can help you recognize the signs that your pet needs immediate help, and give you some pointers on what you can do for them until you can get to a veterinary hospital. 


How to Prevent Lyme Disease in Pets

Tick on human finger in front of dog.

Even folks that don’t consider themselves “outdoorsy” find themselves under the great big blue sky every once in a while. One drawback to the natural world is our vulnerability to bugs. While we can swat at flies or run away from wasps, ticks lie in wait for us to simply walk by their perch. Unlike leaping fleas or hovering mosquitoes, ticks hide themselves well and are extremely patient for their next blood meal to arrive. 


When It Comes to Pet Poison Prevention, We’ve Got You Covered

Dog with chocolate .

March 20-26 is National Animal Poison Prevention Week. As an opportunity to raise awareness of all the possibilities out there (in nearly every household, neighborhood, or situation), this is a crucial moment in time. Pets are exposed to all sorts of toxins and highly vulnerable to their far-reaching and widespread effects. Pet owners and veterinary professionals share the obligation to prevent terrible outcomes, and pet poison prevention week is the perfect time to focus on animal welfare and pet safety. 


The Link Between Pet Dental Care and Lifelong Health

Dog holding a toothbrush in its mouth.

There are so many things we maintain in modern life. From our bicycles to our gutters, healthy hobbies to pruning, there’s no shortage to basic upkeep. In fact, it’s likely that a solid portion of your week is dedicated to simple maintenance of your home, checkbook, waistline, and sanity. The good news is that it pays off to stay in front of negative developments. 


Pet Care Goals for 2023

pet care goals

No matter how great we are at something, there’s always room for improvement. The New Year brings with it a sense of promise and possibility, and for pet owners, it’s the perfect time to reassess. If you don’t already have some pet care goals for the New Year, we are happy to help you get started. After all, it’s all for the greater good!

The Broad Strokes

One of the best ways to orient yourself toward establishing and meeting pet goals is to schedule a wellness exam. If it’s been a little while since we’ve seen your pet, we would be so happy to welcome them back. We can check and compare their weight, appearance, growth, and development to track where they’ve been and where they’re headed. 


Is It Time to Walk Your Pet? You Bet It Is!

person walking their dog

Experts agree that walking improves human health in many ways. Not only an excellent exercise for the body, walking is great for the brain, our mental health, and mood. If it’s this good for us, you can imagine how healthy walking is for pets, especially if they spend a majority of their day indoors. 

January is Walk Your Pet Month, and we’d like to take this special opportunity to remind and encourage pet owners to get out there.

How to Start and Maintain

Your pet is a creature of habit. They not only love being able to anticipate what’s coming next, but a dependence on their routine keeps them regular, stable, and happy. Walking your pet at least once a day is key to their well-being. The benefits of vigorous exercise are known, but perhaps even more important is the outlet for their mental health.


Our Best Ideas for Holiday Gifts for Your Pet

Lady opening a present for her dog.

Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital loves spoiling our personal pets as well as our pet patients. If you are on the hunt for the best gifts for your pet this holiday season, we have a few ideas to share. Let us know what you think!


Holiday Pet Safety: Our Top 3 Hazards to Avoid

Dog outside of a carrying bag.

“I want to take my pet to the emergency hospital for the holidays!” said no one ever. Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here for you with all of our pet safety tips for the holidays to help keep things merry and bright and far away from the animal hospital. 


3 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Senior Pet

Older woman taking care of senior dog.

Pets, like their human counterparts, can be a handful. But if you’re looking for an easygoing pet that already knows the ropes, adopting an older animal can be great for both of you. These are three reasons why you should adopt a senior pet:
