The Question Remains… Harness, Leash, or Both?

A puppy wearing a harness and leash.
Proper leashes, harnesses, and collars are indispensable for dog safety.

Many dog owners have a preference for certain types of leashes that work best for their pets. Some claim to love the traditional nylon leash, while others feel that a harness type leash is safer for their squirrely dog. Then you add to the mix the wide variety of styles, colors, materials, and so on, and it can be exceptionally hard to determine the right one for your furry friend. 

The good news is that there is no one correct answer, but there are some suggestions to keeping your pet safe. The team at Leon Valley Veterinary Hospital is here to explain why the harness, leash, or both question is a great one. Let’s take a closer look.


Dog Leashes that are Safer than Retractable Ones

Of all the gear needed for responsible dog ownership, a good leash ranks pretty high. Of course, dog leashes vary in size, length, material, and the many ways they keep dogs and people safe.

For some, retractable leashes offer the perfect combination of freedom and flexibility. However, because they present serious injury risks, retractable leashes aren’t the best choice. So, what are the best dog leashes out there?
