Pets and People Food: What You Can and Can’t Feed Your Pets

iStock_000033762572_SmallYou know the scene, you’ve just sat down at dinner, opened a fresh package of cheese, or cracked a can of tuna and there’s your pet… Looking up at you with those soulful eyes, head cocked, maybe a paw curled up or an inquisitive mew… Sometimes it’s hard to say no.

As difficult as it is to deny your pet the foods you eat, it is important to know which people foods are safe for your four-legged friend, and which aren’t. So before you let Fluffy or Fido snarffle down your leftover breakfast burrito or share your ice cream, read up on what’s what when it comes to pets and people food.


Pets and People Food: Healthy and Delicious

Here are some healthy food options to enhance your pet’s diet. Keep in mind, these foods are not suggested as a meal replacement. And remember, those extra calories do add up Continue…